........... ...........Infraset Public Company Limited, as an organization that places great importance on the health...
Infraset Public Company Limited or INSET organized basic firefighting training. Carry out fire drills and...
............Infraset Public Company Limited organized the 2023 sports day event, which was the company's first...
INSET representatives presented baskets to khaohoonturakit to congratulate 29th anniversary at khaohoonturakit operating a media...
Infraset Public Company Limited reinforces its concern for employees. By organizing CPR and first aid...
Infraset Public Company Limited or INSET by Miss. Mary Bunyapitak Safety...
INFRASET PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED held a merit-making ceremony on the anniversary of the establishment of...
Infraset Public Company Limited or INSET organized an internal training course "Guidelines for Anti-Corruption (ANTI-CORRUPTION)...
...........On March 29, 2023 – Infraset Public Company Limited joined in passing on concern by...
Infraset Public Company Limited or INSET has been selected to participate in the sustainability data...