(EN)(31-1-67) อบรม Cyber Security 66

.............Infrasec Public Company Limited (Infrasec) is committed to cybersecurity. To raise awareness of cybersecurity threats
and how to protect against them, Infrasec held a cybersecurity awareness training course for its employees on December 22, 2023,
at Infrasec headquarters.

The training covered a range of topics, including:

- Cybersecurity threats in the modern era
- Basic cybersecurity principles and terminology
- Types of cyberattacks
- How to protect yourself from cyberattacks
- Information security policies used by most organizations
- Risk management
- Computer crime laws

.............The training was well-received by Infrasec employees. They were engaged and participated actively in question-and-answer sessions
and discussions. This shows that Infrasec employees are committed to cybersecurity and are willing to learn how to protect themselves
and the organization from cyberattacks.

.............Infrasec is committed to continuing to invest in cybersecurity. The company plans to offer additional cybersecurity training courses
to its employees to help them develop the knowledge and skills they need to protect themselves and the organization from cyberattacks.