Corporate governance code is a key factor for create fairness and increase efficiency which brings INFRASET PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED success and sustainable growth.

Taxation policy
Innovation policy
Good Corporate Governance Policy Revise Version No.1
Policy on Conflict of Interest
Policy on Corporate Social Responsibility, Environment and Stakeholders Revise Version No.1
Policy on whistleblowing and complaints
Anti-Corruption Policy
The nomination and remuneration policy
The policy on confidentiality of the Company and the customers
Policy on the use of computers and information technology
Quality, Environment, Occupational Health and Safety Policy
Policy on dealing with of internal information
Enterprise Risk Management Policy
Privacy Policy
Business Continuity Plan: BCP
Supplier code of conduct
Succession Plan Revise Version No.1
Investment policy in subsidiaries, associated companies, and joint ventures
Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct and Business Ethics of the Company
Code of Conduct and Business Ethics for Directors, Executives and Employees
Article of Association (in Thai only)
Code of Conduct and Business Ethics for Directors, Executives and Employees